This year’s slightly soggy summer may have disappointed those hoping for a heatwave, but for many fruit farmers the mixture of wet and sunny weather has resulted in heavy crops of summer berries – and Boxford (Suffolk) Farms, based in Stoke by Nayland, is one of them. 
Rather than see any fruit go to waste – although actually ‘waste’ is the wrong word, as any fruit which doesn’t meet strict quality standards is used to generate renewable power in their award-winning anaerobic digester – the farm delivered 240 punnets of perfectly ripe strawberries to two local primary schools. 
Pupils and parents at Boxford CEVC Primary School and Stoke by Nayland C of E Primary School enjoyed the plump, sweet fruit at the end of the school day, with punnets handed out to anyone who wanted them from tables set up at the school gates – in keeping with ongoing considerations regarding hands, face and space.
“It’s wonderful to see children back at school and returning to some kind of normality after the disruption they’ve had to endure over the past 18 months. We felt that we had an opportunity to offer them a small treat, which could also translate into a learning experience regarding healthy eating and sourcing local produce,” explained Robert England, Farm Director at Boxford (Suffolk) Farms
“We’re hoping this small but tasty gesture will be the first in a long line of outreach projects of varying sizes, to support our local community as much as they support us,” added Peter Osborne at parent company The Boxford Group. 
“The next in our diary will be our Stoke by Nayland Golf Academy Fun Day which will offer games and fun activities for all ages.”
Please contact Philippa Rich by email on: for more information

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