Colchester High School are delighted to announce their recent accreditation of the Quality Mark which was awarded for English and Mathematics from Year 1 to 6 (Primary Accreditation). 
The accreditation process was undertaken by Nicola Morris, the National Director of Tribal Group and the Quality Mark Programme.   
As a school community, Nicola Morris was treated to a myriad of pupil, staff and parent presentations, interviews, focus groups, learning walks and a guided tour of the Lower School by our Lower School Head Girl and Boy. Mrs Morris praised the school for the way in which it, ‘fostered a culture of empowerment’, which was demonstrated by the way in which she felt that, ‘our pupils are at the heart of everything we do.’   
Additionally, she commented on ‘the inclusive and positive ethos of the school’, which supports both a holistic and personalised approach for pupils, and included, ‘precision teaching, robust planning and personalised pupil assessment’, enabling ‘a clear view of pupil attainment which supports their next steps in learning to be achieved.’   
Ms Gracie-Langrick, Headteacher said, “This is an outstanding accolade for Colchester High School and marks a year-long aspiration for the school to be recognised for Academic Excellence within our Lower School.   We are incredibly proud of all our teachers and pupils’ hard work this year and the progress they have all made as they continue on their own individual learning journey. 
This award is a source of pride to us all."
To find out more about Colchester High School Lower School, please visit our website

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