We strive to be more than “just” Colchester Zoo – we are about protecting wildlife for the next generation and caring for the world’s environments. We do this with the continued support of our guests, members and donors.
The daily running costs of the zoo is £25,479 plus veterinary care bills and other unexpected expenses. Despite the zoo closure our Animal Care Team are vital to continue to deliver an excellent level of care to all of our animals and operational staff continue to work to provide a first-class service for those who have queries or wish to donate.
Your support is critical – now more than ever.
We appreciate everyone is facing financial constraints at the moment but if you are able to and would like to offer any additional support to the zoo via our operating fund to assist us with the ongoing costs you can do so via the donation button below.
Alternatively you make a bank transfer using online banking to the following account:
Colchester Zoo Donation
Sort Code: 20-65-68
Account Number: 53759830
If you choose to donate via a direct bank transfer, please email enquiries@colchesterzoo.org to let us know.
We have received some cheques in the post which we are very grateful for, however, we would kindly ask wherever possible that donations are processed online or via bank transfer due to the delay on cheques being banked at the moment.

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