This is the time of year that all local business and independent shops are normally reaching the peak of their sales volume. But with the pandemic out of control again, in the main, right now, these businesses are closed. 
If you look at what, for most of them is a 80/20 equation or close regarding their profits/time of the year this could really spell big trouble for many of them.
So it’s great that some have started fighting back and here’s a great initiative I saw last week. A number of independent shops are promoting ‘Digital Window Shopping’
If they’re closed (or locked down) they can brand up a sign for their window and add a QR code and place it in their shop window. When a 'window shopper' walks past and see something in the window they want to buy then scan the QR code with their phone and this will take them to a website where they can buy anything they see on display in the shop window.
It’s a great idea which helps them to compete at this crucial time, and could be the difference of them surviving through this lockdown period and beyond. It also encourages people to carry on ‘window-shopping’ (perhaps as part of their daily exercise!) and gives proprietors something positive to work on during the enforced closure.
We at Elite Magazine are right behind this initiative and would like to try and get other local papers and the Borough Council to really getting behind it, lets see it on the TV news.
Have you seen anything like this in your area? The idea is being trialled in Southwold and Woodbridge. 
Would you support it?

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