Gift membership with Essex Wildlife Trust makes a perfect present for nature – loving friends and family. 
It will inspire them to help protect their environment and also gives them the opportunity to explore beautiful places and learn about wildlife and attend special events.
Now, more than ever, we have an immense appreciation for our natural surroundings, for many it has been our only source of entertainment outside of our own home.  Essex Wildlife Trust is the leading conservation charity protecting wildlife in Essex. Our climate is in crisis and our species face extinction. The natural world needs our help. Together we can protect the future.
By becoming a member of Essex Wildlife Trust, you are helping to:
•    Manage and protect over 8400 hectares of land (and acquire more to help wildlife)
•    Improve habitats so that our most threatened species can flourish
•    Ensure people have free access to our wonderful Nature Discovery Centres
•    Inspire and educate children and adults about the natural world and encourage individual action to safeguard it
•    Secure and protect Essex’s coastal habitats to help marine wildlife to thrive
•    Work with MP’s, councillors and businesses to protect wildlife
•    Consult on planning applications to protect our most important wildlife sites
•    Carry out extensive surveying to establish what wildlife needs our help most urgently 
If you love wildlife and want to help conserve local nature, please join Essex Wildlife Trust. Membership starts from as little as £3 per month or £33 per annum.  As well as supporting their important work, you’ll receive:
•    A welcome pack introducing you to the work of the Essex Wildlife Trust
•    A comprehensive nature reserve guide
•    Membership card
•    ‘Wild’ magazine, including events guide, 4 times per year
•    Email updates about wildlife around the country and news from the Trust
•    The opportunity to get involved in a local group
•    Family membership also includes ‘Wildlife Watch’ membership for up to 4 children (at the same address);
Wildlife Watch magazine four times a year, posters, stickers, a badge and a wildlife handbook. It’s great for getting kids interested in nature.
Help keep Essex wild, join online today or contact the Membership Team on 01621 862964.

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