A DAD who hasn’t set foot in a swimming pool for years is set to swim a mile in open water for charity. 
Richard Bowdidge, of West Bergholt, has decided to take himself out of his comfort zone to raise much-needed funds for The Tom Bowdidge Youth Cancer Foundation. 
The dad-of-two will take part in the Serpentine Swim challenge, which forces contestants to swim a mile of the London lake in freezing conditions. 
Richard, who set up the Foundation with wife and CEO Nikki, said: “In 2020 I fundraised by shaving my hair off. While living folicly challenged was difficult, I really thought it was about time I pushed myself a bit and tried something a bit more out there for The Tom Bowdidge Youth Cancer Foundation. Rather than running or cycling miles, I decided I would throw myself into a freezing cold lake in the middle of London and swim a mile. I’m yet to hear if Nikki will let me wear a wet suit, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed. 
“I am nervous, daunted and excited all at the same time but I will only be going out of my comfort zone for one day, young people with cancer are out of theirs on a daily basis.” 
Richard has set himself a fundraising target of £500, but would love to raise more. 
Richard added: “It’s fantastic to get that support from people. Every penny raised really makes this challenge special for me in Tom’s memory. I’m hoping people will be there on the day to cheer me on too.”
Wife Nikki said: “I’ve been egging Richard on for a while to get out of his chair and do something a bit daring, but even I think this is almost too much for him. “I can’t wait to see his smiling face in the freezing Serpentine, raising money for Tom and his Foundation.” ​​​​​​​

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