Helen Rollason Cancer Charity are delighted to announce the re-launch of their monthly coffee mornings in Hatfield Peverel!  
The events will be held on the third Saturday of every month from 10am to 12pm at their Mid Essex Support Centre, The Street, Hatfield Peverel CM3 2EH (free parking).   
Events are free to attend and are open to anybody in the community who are looking for a friendly chat and for a donation, some delicious cake, hot drinks and charity raffle. Information and support regarding their cancer services will also be available for those who request it.  
Jenny Leach, coffee morning Volunteer who helps run the events said “A lot of people have been asking when our coffee mornings would be re-starting again so we are delighted to announce our next event on Saturday 19th February 2022!  
We look forward to welcoming all our previous attendees back and hope to see lots of new faces. We are always on the lookout for tea, coffee and cakes so if you want to brush up on your baking skills, we’d love to receive any donated baked goods! Baking can be therapeutic while also putting delicious treats on the table for a good cause – it’s a win win!”   
Community Fundraisers Suzanne Watson said; “Our coffee mornings are relaxed, friendly and anyone new would be made to feel most welcome from our fantastic volunteer organisers.   
I have heard from many attendees that they really enjoy our coffee mornings as it gives them a chance to get out into their local community, make new friends and have a chat while enjoying some lovely treats.   
All funds raised from our coffee mornings help to support those living with cancer. These donations will help us to continue supporting men and women with all types of cancer at all stages – whether newly diagnosed or longer-term, throughout treatment and after treatment is completed.” 

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