Penny Pancaldi, founder of Colchester’s Clothing Clinic is, in a bid to support sustainable fashion and fight fast fashion, is not only hosting a weekly drop in clinic where you can your clothing, but is been calling on the Colchester community to get involved with their lockdown dress project. 
The beautiful dress has been lovingly created by locals making their own flowers made from 
anything and everything recycled such as: used tea bags, fruit bag netting, tin foil, scraps of material and much more! 
They are in need of another 150 flowers to complete the dress and have hopes to showcase the dress in a gallery to show how the community came together to make something beautiful in lockdown. Join Penny live on Zoom each Wednesday from 8-9pm to make flowers together online with guidance from Penny if needed. 
Follow them via Facebook and Instagram to see their progress with the lockdown dress!
For more information contact Clothing Clinic via

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